
So far on the blog we have looked at the building blocks of music: We know that music is a combination of sound and silence of varying pitches and durations that are notated on lines and spaces. There are different ways to count and write rhythms and they center on the 2 feel and the 3 feel at their core. There are different combinations of pitches that sound good together called scales, and there are many different types of scales. Lastly, within each scale we can get different effects by starting on different scale degrees other than the tonic which is called diatonic modes. With all this information about notes we have neglected to identify how to express the distance between one note and the next – we express these distances using intervals.

Measuring tapes are good for measuring many things, but they can’t help you measure the distance between notes. for that we use simple and compound intervals.

Author: Jean W. Joseph

I am Jean W. Joseph, a fourth-year Media Journalism and Music Double Major at the University of The Bahamas. I am an avid multi-instrumental musician and composer who love Junkanoo and DJing. I also love cameras and digital art – anything creative will get me. Additionally, I am a voiceover artist and a journalist focusing on Arts and Entertainment with Our News (Cable 12); I use this platform to highlight artists, musicians, and experiences the public should know about. I enjoy storytelling and will continue using my voice to bring light to the stories that are not usually told. My plans include producing movies and short films, radio dramas, and composing popular music and scores for films.